Este blog ha sido creado para el uso de toda la comunidad educativa del IES Guillermina Brito y en especial del alumnado inmerso en el proyecto bilingüe del centro.

November 13, 2013

Winners of the Halloween Story

        Hi everybody!!

   Here we have the story our students of 4th ESO group B wrote at Halloween.
The winners are: Rita Alzola, Cristina Monzón, Judith Rodríguez and Néstor Santana.
Enjoy it!

       David steps out of his door in a frightening skelleton costume. He’s about to meet his best friends – Mildred, Stephanie, Matthew, Bartholomew and Andrew. They’re going to go treat-or-tricking around town. His dog Boris is also in a costume. He’s a very scary devil-dog tonight!
They meet at the town square at 21.00 and start walking from houde to house. It’s almost midnight when they find themselves in an unknown street and hear a scream. They start running, scared, until they reach a dark house surrounded by cats.
They knock on the door and an old woman lets them in. Inside, it is even darker and the furniture looks ancient.
A few minutes later, they’re all sat drinking what appears to be bloody cocktails and Andrew and Matthew excuse themselves to the bathroom.
The old woman offers to guide them and comes back a while after, alone.
The friends are wondering where Andrew and Matthew are when they hear a loud scream. They grow worried as the woman insists on their need to go home. When she’s about to close the door, Boris runs back in and David automatically decides to get in the house through the window in order to save his dog.
He climbs in and stares, astonished, as Matthew and Andrew lay on the floor in a pool of their own blood.
The old woman is standing next to them – or what could be their dead bodies, David thinks with a shudder – and she’s holding a gun and laughing like a maniac.
Boris barks and the woman shouts and David… David shrieks like a little girl.
That’s when Mildred, Bartholomew and even Stephanie walk into the dusty room and burst out laughing.
“Oh gosh, you totally bought it!” Stephanie says, giggling.
“What is this?” David asks, still concerned but getting red in the face by the second.
“This, my friend, is a joke!” Matthew says, suddenly coming back to life.
“Happy Halloween!” Andrew screams.


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